I'm sure you guys can come up with plenty of inappropriate things in this video but here's a few jus to get you started
the lead singers age
the guitar player has a real guitar strapped to him but he chooses to play the ukulele
shouting out mister mister
dog tags
the fact that if u type start searching the word 'soul' on youtube this is the top hit(Prob. the most offensive of all)
the singer refers to himself as not jus 'gangster' but also 'thug'
and the animation is stolen from a Radiohead project
What type of music offends you?
Are you 40+/some one's mom and this post offends you?
Who besides the Rolling Stones, Radiohead, and ZZ Top should be allowed to make music as middle aged artists?
Are you like me and you think of 'historic erotica' when you hear the term 'soul sister'?
Do I put up to much porno on my blog?
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