(That may or may not be Tilla from the Kickdrumz)
We all know the economy extra suxxxx right now, but this is America, and in America we bawl. In fact I'm proud to be an American, in the most bawlin'est country in the world right now (unless you count China, India, United Arab Emirates, Canada, Qatar, Luxembourg, Norway, etc.) Even in a recession we bawl hard, but we must bawl responsibly, and not like drink respoonsibility...for realz this time. The masterminds at NewDirtyBasterds along with help from the Coventry Kids BrainTrust have developed a term for this new wave of pseudo-ballers, or "Senegal Ballers". Its a term influenced by this man
Sudanese rapper Bangs and his og innovator/mentor/Senegal-Baller guru, Chingy
They both come from a long tradition of string-cheese chains, non-new era fitted caps, with matching off brand color coordinated tops and sweat pants. They're an ispiration to us all, showing us you don't need money to give off the impression that you have money.
So shiny, riding on chrome baby.
In times like these it "pays" to be satisfied with what we've got. You don't need a sports car or Denali Truck on 22's to be happy. All I need is my ride, some tunes, and good friends.
Picture me rollin', Rollin with the homies
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